welcome to ABSOLUTE ZERO, a warriors RP ran by rowan (maakaii) and ari (starriiarii). the main premise of this RP can be found under plot, which is encouraged to be read before you implement yourself into the RP. Then, check the allegiances and clan info before selecting what clan will best fit your cat. Please also read the rules as they contain important information for the roleplay's functionality. thank you!

In the mountain territories, four clans are struggling with harsh weather and a famine resulting in the deaths and malnutrition of many cats. As to be expected, each clan is at one anothers' throats for territory in the ungoverned lands, and there appears to be no end in sight, as not one of the clans are bending to the wills of other clans.
However, in the depths of the earth, DescentClan has been scheming. They are furious that the other 3 clans (who outmatch them in strength and fighting ability) are being greedy and hoarding territory for themselves, when DescentClan has the smallest territory out of the four clans.
With this, DescentClan has grown angry, and are scheming with the best way to get back at the clans for their greediness. They have also abandoned the warrior code and StarClan entirely, as to distance themselves from Clan culture. While many cats in DescentClan are accepting of this, and feel as its necessary, few cats are struggling with this, and hiding it from their leader, Dandelionstar, and his scheming partner-in-crime medicine cat, Fogstare.
The other clans are weary of DescentClan, and are cautious of their silence. They rarely come to gatherings, and when they do they attempt to pick fights or challenge other leaders.
Despite the changing of seasons, the mountain territory is still icy cold and famine is still racking the clans, and the war has been going on for a year.

> Be kind and respectful to everyone in the RP. We won't tolerate gossip in the roleplay server. You will be muted.

> You may not become a villain and create mass chaos unless you ask first and there is an announcement made in the announcement channels. If you become an unsupervised threat to the Clans with no event announcing your arrival, you will be muted or removed. As well, rogue, loner, and kittypet roleplays are NOT permitted here. You may join the clans from a rogue/loner/kittypet area, but you must join a Clan. Taking a Warrior name is optional but semi-preferred.

> Once your cat dies you must remove them from their name and you may not be allowed to RP with them again unless its for a plot between you and others (i.e dead cat leading dying cat to starclan) they may NOT make prophecies. Only admins are allowed to do that.

> This is a strictly RP server, it does not act as a normal discord server. We do not have a venting channel and will not be adding one. If you do feel like you need anything, ask to DM someone, please do not vent in the OOC channels.

> You may have a maximum of TWO living cats when you first join. You may earn more slots with activity or taking on kit roles.

> Usernames must not be written in fancy fonts and may ONLY contain the names of cats you currently own.

> Do not mini-mod. If you're not staff you are NOT permitted to accept intros, answer questions in the #questions chat, give warnings or tell people what they can / can't do. Please tag an admin if you feel its needed.

> Do not disrespect the admins since they are only here to help. If an admin issues a warning then their will is final and you must send your dispute to Bruno (@wasteland baby) if you believe it was wrong. After 2 warnings, you will be muted for 24 hours, and if you break rules again face temp bans.

> Try to be active! We acknowledge you may not be on every day, but if you have an important role in the story, you must be somewhat active.

> No inappropriate roleplays. This includes sexual or obscene. Foul language is okay, but only in small amounts.

> No overpowered cats. There will be no "superpowers" or super strengths.

> Please DO NOT invade on others' roleplays. its rude and can derail a roleplay's plot. If people are in an rp, please do not invade it.

> Do not tag CLANS, HERE or EVERYONE unless you are a leader of the clan you are tagging (deputy in extreme cases) or an admin.

> This is a PLOT DRIVEN ROLEPLAY. You MUST follow the plot, or risk being muted. Your cat cannot know things it realistically should not know. If cats get too good at 'guessing' you will be warned.

> Cats should follow the warrior code. Stragglers are okay if there's only a few, but if every cat breaks the rules there's no point in having it.

> Please put your cat in whatever clan best suits them. Don't join DescentClan and be a nice, generous cat for example. That character type would best fit FjordClan! However, there are allowed to be cats that don't conform, obviously, just be aware of the clan you join!

How To Report A User
1. Ask for an admin in the #questions channel.

2. Once you get an admin's reply, DM them your case. Provide evidence.

3. Be patient! The admins will discuss what to do with the user. It won't be instant.
Our Punishment System
In Absolute Zero, we try to have a fair system of punishment. Depending on the situation, we will try to handle punishments in the best way we can.

First offense - Will result in a warning

Second offense - Will result in a 24-72 hour mute, depending on the situation

Third offense - Will result in a kick or ban. Temporary ban or permanent ban will depend on the gravity of the offense.

In the deepest depths of the territory lurks the cats of DescentClan. Inhabiting their ravine home, cats in this clan are agile and strong, but are skinny, lanky, and short-furred. DescentClan cats are abrasive and unwelcoming, they're known for their aggression towards outsiders, espectially during war times. Other clans are wary of DescentClan cats, and would rather not get on the bad side of the most brutal Clan in the mountains.


LEADER: Dandelionstar



Climbing in the winding branches of the forest lives the cats of SkyClan. Due to predators such as foxes and cougars, SkyClan cats adapted to living in the trees, thus their camp is made of tangled branches and tree hollows, as well as thick leaf clumps. SkyClan cats are naturally defensive and shy, and often use ambush strategies for hunting and fighting.





On the steep slopes of the high mountain peaks lives the cats of RidgeClan. Nestled in their camp in a wide open cave, these cats are muscular and thick-furred, and are very skilled at climbing and navigating their rough terrain. They are naturally warm cats who are very welcoming to strangers lost in the mountains, but will fight tooth and nail for each other.





On the shores of the lapping river lives the cats of FjordClan. These cats made their home in a cavern behind a large waterfall, and are very skilled at trekking along glaciers and swimming in the freezing waters of the river. FjordClan cats are very strong, large, and thick-furred, and are very generous and kind. Welcoming to all, cats of FjordClan don't bother themselves with the war all too much, other than when it's necessary.


